How to use the deck of player safety

  1. Prepare the deck (see DEMO VIDEOS for short, how-to video):

    1. Remove the X-Cards and Blank Cards from the deck. Set them aside.

    2. Remove the Player Instruction Cards and set them aside.

  2. Provide each player a Player Instruction Card.

  3. Have the players watch the Player Instruction Video at the QR Code on the Player Instruction Card, or you may read to them the Player Instructions in the BLUE [larger] textbox.

  4. Pass the Deck to a player to select their card(s), keeping them face down.  They then pass the deck to the next player.

  5. Collect and shuffle the selected cards without looking at them. REVIEW THE SELECTED CARDS WITH THE PLAYERS. This assures all players know the excluded content along with the GM.

  6. If any selected cards impact your game, take a moment to adjust and consult the recommendations on the ADJUSTING YOUR GAME page.

  7. After reviewing the selected hot-button cards, you may additionally use the X-Card* by reading the text in the GREY [smaller] textbox and placing the two X-Cards within reach of all players.

Before passing the deck, read these instructions to your players (or have them watch the video at the QR code)

The Deck of Player Safety allows you to anonymously signal any hot-button topics for us to avoid during our session and this will take only a few minutes.

I will pass around a deck of cards containing common, hot-button subjects and several "Anything Goes" cards.

Please SILENTLY review all the cards and select any topics or content you do not want in our game. For this to be anonymous, EVERYONE must turn in at least one card, even if your card is an "Anything Goes."

If you are an "Anything Goes" player, do not call this out as it defeats the purpose of this being anonymous for all.

Keep your chosen cards face down and pass the deck to the player next to you.

I will collect the cards, review with you any hot-button topics that are off limits for this game and get rolling.”

If using the X-Card, read the following to your players as Step 7

“As we cannot include all, possible hot-buttons on the cards, we will also apply the X-Card safety tool. The X-Cards will be placed on the table and, if the game is making you uncomfortable at any time, just lift up an X-Card, or simply tap it. It doesn't matter why. When we lift or tap this card, we simply edit out anything X-Carded.”

(*Additional instructions for the X-Card by John Stavropoulos can be found here: